Get to Know Me with Vogue’s 73 Questions


If you haven't heard of Vogue's “73 Questions”, stop what you're doing right now and open up a new tab! “73 Questions” is a creative video concept where celebrities are asked random questions, rapid fire. Now in its third season, this video series is unlike any Hollywood interview you've seen, and that's what makes it so entertaining! 

Ready to get to know me with Vogue’s 73 Questions? Let’s go!


1 / On a scale of 1-10, how excited are you about life right now? 

About a six, maybe a seven.

2 / What's the most over-rated food trend? 

Does anyone actually like wheat grass shots? I think they’re disgusting.

3 / What’s your wakeup ritual? 

Snooze. But really, I always hit snooze, and usually one too many times.

 4 / What's the best worst movie you love to watch?

Give me all the cheesy rom-coms!


5 / What’s your favorite time of day? 

Around 9 AM, sipping my coffee, before the chaos of the day kicks in.

6 / Dream country to visit? 

Greece! I think it would be such a romantic honeymoon spot.

7 / Vintage or new?

New. Based on my unsuccessful excursions to Goodwill, thrifting is not my thing.

8 / Style icon?

I have such a girl crush on Cara Loren, she looks effortless in everything!

9 / What’s one ingredient you put in everything? 

Salt, according to my boyfriend. 

10 / What’s your biggest fear in life? 

Not having enough time with my parents.

11 / What’s your current TV obsession?

Netflix has been stepping up its shows lately! I recently finished You, Stay Here and Dating Around.

12 / Favorite app? 

Instagram, of course.

13 / Most adventurous thing you’ve done in your life?

I love a good adventure, but I'm not a risk taker or very spontaneous.

14 / How would you define yourself in three words?

Creative, kind + ambitious

15 / Favorite piece of clothing you own?

I live in my aerie sweatpants when I’m at home.

16 / What's something you wish you knew in high school?

Stop trying so hard! Everything will work out, it always does.

17 / What’s inspiring you in life right now?

I’ve been spending a lot of time in the kitchen lately. Channeling my inner Monica Geller, I’m on my way to becoming a much better cook!

18 / A book that everyone should read?

Girl Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis. 10/10!

19. Best way to take a rest/decompress?

I like to be productive, so I’m not the best person to ask about this. But...I feel the most relaxed when I’m at the beach.

20. Favorite place to view art?



21 / Who's someone you would want to have coffee with?

Natalie Franke. She’s a fellow creative Annapolitan, who is killing it in her career, leads by example, and always follows her heart.

22 / What's something you lose all the time?

My wallet! I’ve replaced this wallet (and everything inside) more times than I would like to admit.

23 / Best gift you’ve ever given?

I wrote about it here.

24 / Best gift you’ve ever received?

The Emerald ring that my dad originally gave to my mom.

25 / What’s your favorite board game?

Does Cards Against Humanity count?

26 / Blow-dry or air-dry?

It looks best when I blow-dry, but I air-dry during the week to save time.

27 / Coffee or tea? 

Coffee! I actually don't like tea even though I’ve tried to get into it many times.

28 / Summer or winter?

Summer > Winter.

 29 / You are stuck on an island, you can pick one food to eat forever without getting tired of it, what would you eat?

French bread + butter. Ugh, my mouth is watering.

30 / A dessert you don’t like?

Not a big pie person.


31 / Who is your celebrity look alike?

In high school I was told I looked like Victoria Justice, and in college I was told I looked like Sadie Robertson. Thoughts?

32 / Best thing to happen to you today?

PTO for President’s Day! I’m having a productive, quiet day at home.

33 / Worst thing to happen to you today?

No complaints here!

34 / Best compliment you’ve ever received?

I’ve been told that I’m well-rounded, and I think that’s so, so important.

35 / What flavor of ice cream is most underrated?

Ben & Jerry’s Cherry Garcia

36 / Your affirmation for today?

“Grow through what you go through.” I love this perspective on life.

37 / What show would you love to make a cameo in?

Fixer Upper. Joanna, sign me up!

38 / Diamonds or pearls?


39 / What’s your spirit animal?

Elle Woods is my spirit animal.

40 / What's your favorite date night activity?

Nothing fancy, just good conversation over a glass of wine and dinner.

41 / Best piece of advice you’ve received?

A quote from my dad about being resilient.

42 / Must have clothing item everyone should have?

Denim that fits well and goes with everything.

43 / Secret talent?

Double jointed elbows are my excuse for being terrible at push-ups.

44 / If you had a tattoo, where would it be?

Tattoos aren’t my thing, but maybe something tiny on my foot.

45 / Girl crush?

I said Cara Loren earlier, so I’ll stick with my girl Cara.

46 / How you know you’re in love?

It’s hard to describe the feeling, but it’s unbelievable — to love and be loved.

47 / Song you can listen to on repeat?

Anything Maroon 5, always.

48 / What are you most excited about at this time in your life?

It's been a transition year, and I’m excited to see what changes are up ahead and what life may look like this time next year.

49 / If you could switch lives with someone for a day who would it be?

Lauren Conrad!

50 / Favorite movie of all time?

When Harry Met Sally.

51 / Who should everyone be following on Instagram?

Maddie Broderick is Instagram goals.

52 / Who is the last person you texted?


53 / What color dress did you wear to your prom?

It was white with subtle gold sparkles, and six years later, I still love it.

54 / What was the last book you read?

I’m currently reading an advanced copy of Girl, Stop Apologizing by Rachel Hollis, and I’m listening to Dare to Lead by Brené Brown on Audible.

55 / What’s a regular breakfast for you?

Greek yogurt with granola and berries. And an iced latte.


56 / What’s your philosophy on beauty?

Emma Stone said it best, “I can’t think of any better representation of beauty than someone who is unafraid to be herself.”

57 / Must have beauty product?

Clinique Stay-Matte Oil-Free Foundation.

58 / What’s your secret to a great photograph?

1) You can’t force it. 2) Good lighting is everything.

60 / Best concert you’ve ever been to?

In elementary school, my best friend and I saw The Cheetah Girls and got to go backstage after the show. We swore it was the best night of our lives lol.

61 / Best song to sing in the shower?

Whatever song is stuck in my head that day.

62 / How would you describe your personal style?

Casual, feminine and a little boho.

63 / What person’s closet would you most like to raid?

Caitlin Covington’s closet.

64 / What’s something only a few people know about you?

It’s random, but I’ve never been on a roller coaster.

65 / What’s something you’re not missing right now?

Homework and studying on the weekends. I do not miss that about college.

66 / Where did you go on your last girls trip?


67 / Describe yourself in a hashtag?


68 / What’s your favorite candy?

Swedish Fish when I’m craving gummies, Peanut Butter M&M’s when I want chocolate.

69 / Who do you look up to most?

My parents.

70 / What’s a good rule you’ve learned from your parents?

To work hard, and to have a strong sense of self.

71 / Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

At 33, I hope to be creatively fulfilled, and in love with my life, family + career.

72 / In general, when do you feel the most beautiful?

When I’m snuggled up on the couch with Brady and Nash, laughing about something silly. I feel beautiful, loved + carefree in blissful moments like that.

73 / What would you like to be remembered for?

I want to be remembered as a dreamer, and a doer.

Are you a fan of Vogue’s 73 Questions? Share something we have in common, or your favorite celebrity guest in a comment below!